These Cotton Prayer Flags are has 7 sheets of flags with individual messages printed on the sheets. These are special healing prayer flags. The Messages written on the flags are: Red - "I am safe. I trust more. I fear less. I am centered and grounded. Orange - "I feel my emotions and my pain. I reawaken my passion. I surrender to this moment." Yellow - "I am courageous. I am whole. I stand in my power." Green - "I am loved. I let love in. I am kind to myself. I live in peace and gratitude." Turquoise - "I play in my imagination. I create my reality. I know and share my truth." Blue - "I honor my intuition. I accept my path. I am healing body, mind and spirit." Purple - "I connect with spirit. I invite sacred transformation. I embrace the unity of all beings." Size: 9 inches L X 8.2 inches W Total Roll Length: Weight: 50 grams approx When the prayer flags and mantras have faded away, put up a new prayer flag. If you no longer want the old one to keep hanging alongside the new one, kindly burn or bury them respectfully.