These prayer flags are made of cotton and comes in a set of 5 rolls. Each roll contains 10 flags with various deities/horse and the mantras associated with them. Prayer flags mean flags with Tibetan prayers. Prayer flags are of two types:- Vertical Prayer Flags and Horizontal Prayer Flags. Traditional Prayer flag comes in sets of five colors arranged from left to right representing five elements and five pure lights. The five colors are in a specific order- Blue, White, Red, Green and Yellow. Blue color symbolizes Sky, the White color symbolizes Air and Wind, Red color symbolizes Fire, Green color symbolizes Water and Yellow color symbolizes Earth. These five elements together help balance health and harmony. Vertical ones are known as Darchor meaning Flagstaff and Horizontal ones are known as Lung Ta meaning Wind Horse. When the prayer flags and mantras have faded away, put up a new prayer flag. If you no longer want the old one to keep hanging alongside the new one, kindly burn or bury them respectfully. Dimension/Size 10 cm W X 11 cm H (Flag Size) 3.9 " W X 4.3 "H Weight: 95 grams Regular shipping: 14-28 days